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Meadows Primary School and Nursery


“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” 

Edwin Powell Hubble 

What is the intent of Science at Meadows?

At Meadows we want to nurture children’s natural curiosity to find out about the world. Through the use of our Engaging Science schemes of work and the themed units in the Dimensions curriculum, we plan scientific investigations and explorations with the intent of giving children the stepping-stones upon which they can build a love for, and a deep understanding of, the natural world that surrounds them. 

science rationale dimensions.pdf

How is Science implemented at Meadows?

Science at Meadows allows children to develop and use varying scientific skills and knowledge, ensuring that they develop a deep understanding of key concepts, in chemistry, biology and physics. Science is delivered through the thematic Dimensions curriculum and the Engaging Science schemes of work. It is designed to consistently build upon and consolidate knowledge, skills and independence in planning and carrying out scientific experiments while expressing their grasp of different scientific theories 

science subject overview.pdf

ks1 nc coverage science.pdf

lks2 nc coverage science.pdf

uks2 nc coverage science.pdf

How does Science progress at Meadows?

Science at Meadows covers all National Curriculum objectives across the course of your child’s Primary career. Working scientifically skills and substantive and disciplinary knowledge are developed in Key Stage 1 and children become progressively more independent and accurate in their planning and implementation of an investigation as they move through Key Stage 2.

They develop skills of predicting, fair testing, experimenting, drawing conclusions (representing these in a variety of ways) and evaluating. Prior learning is reviewed and revised when embarking upon new topics and when new investigations are planned. Additionally, at the end of units of work, children complete quizzes and big questions to allow them to demonstrate their understanding.  

How can I support my child in Science? 

  • Encourage them to question the world around them.  
  • Question them on why and how things happen. 
  • Read magazines like ‘How It works’ and ‘Science and Nature’.  
  • Encourage your child to play with materials and explore the world around them.  
  • Use the vocabulary of the properties of materials- e.g. hard, soft, rough, smooth, flexible, durable, malleable.  
  • Complete ‘at home’ experiments and talk with your child about what went well, what we discovered and what we could have done differently.  
  • Science Sparks website.  

    Some books you and your child may enjoy:  

  • Books for topics- Super Science book lists