Online Safety
At Meadows, we aspire to provide our children with exceptional foundations to become perceptive, safe and discerning users of the internet. We do this by:
Protecting and educating our pupils, parents and staff in their use and understanding of technology.
Having the appropriate mechanisms to intervene and support any incidents.
Striving to prevent any online-safety concerns through excellent and regular teaching of online safety.
Click here to view our Online Safety Policy
Online Safety Day 2025:
In February 2025, the theme for our Online Safety Day was 'Be Smart Online'. The children spent the day in learning activities based around being 'smart online'.
Each year group explored a special story which taught them about aspects of online safety and throughout the day, considered how they would respond to online safety concerns. These stories ensure progression over the years, enabling children to explore a range of online safety themes, at an appropriate depth and content.
- Nursery - Smartie the Penguin - EYFS Story A
- Reception - Smartie the Penguin - EYFS Story B
- Year 1 - Digi-Ducks Big Decision
- Year 2 - Chicken Clicking
- Year 3 - Troll Stinks
- Year 4 - #Goldilocks - A cautionary Hashtag Tale
- Year 5 - Polly and the Screen Time Overload
- Year 6 - Teach Your Dragon Online Safety
Online Safety Day 2025
Annual Online Safety Parent and Carer Workshop
Each year we welcome Parents and Carers into school to find out about how they can keep their child safe online. This year's presentation can be seen below:
parent online safety presentation for schools 2025.pdf
If you have any questions about the content of this presentation, please do not hesitate to speak with our Online Safety Lead, Mr Piatczanyn.
Wake up Wednesday
Since its inception, ‘Wake up Wednesday’ has formed a fundamental part of online safety provision provided by The National College. Each week (on Wednesdays, naturally) a colourful, easy-to-follow and insightful guide to an aspect of the digital universe that’s causing concern, outlining related risks and suggesting ways to help children avoid them is shared. It could be a video game, an internet-enabled device, an app or a more thematic threat associated with the online space. Every guide is compiled with input from some of the most respected professionals and organisations in their field, plus experts from the spheres of mental health, education, technology, gaming and more. The involvement of these hugely credible collaborators means that teachers, parents and carers can embrace ‘Wake up Wednesday’ as a trusted voice in the safeguarding arena.
The most relevant guides are shared in our weekly Meadows Mail, in our X account, and in the gallery below.
Wake Up Wednesday
4 Cs of Online Safety
Filtering and Monitoring
Online Safety User Agreements
acceptable use agreements for website.pdf
Useful Resources, Websites and Support
We recognise the importance of ensuring that children are safe using technologies both inside and outside of school. We hope that the below resources support you with this.
Should you require advice, or have any questions about online safety, please do not hesitate to contact our Online Safety Lead, Mr Piatczanyn.
- Very regularly, Online Safety alerts will be shared in our weekly Meadows Mail.
- Further information about our Computing Curriculum can be viewed by clicking here.
- An NSPCC E-Safety Leaflet for parents can be viewed by clicking here.
- Online Safety leaflet for parents of 0 - 5 and 6 - 10 year olds can be viewed by clicking here.
- A DfE Leaflet on Cyberbullying can be viewed by clicking here.
parental controls booklet 2024.pdf
- - An educational website designed specifically for young children, teachers and carers. Activities on this website can be enjoyed with your children, as well as information being provided to support parents.
- - A comprehensive website on internet safety for parents including a section on safeguarding children on the internet.
- - An award winning website, providing useful information for parents as well as activities for children to enjoy and learn from.
- - A vibrant and entertaining website, allowing children to be totally cool and show their friends how much they know about Internet safety by watching the video clips, reading the e-books and playing the games.
- - Visit Safety Land, normally, a very nice place to live, but a nasty character is sending yucky emails and messages. Captain Broadband needs your help to find the nasty character. You need to navigate around Safety land answering questions. When you have answered them all correctly, the nasty character will be taken to jail and you’ll become a certified hero, just like Captain Broadband.
- - The Digital Parenting website and magazines offer parents information and advice about the latest digital technologies and the kind of challenges children and teenagers might face in their digital world. Their Expert View articles, ‘How to’ guides and Take Action checklists will help you to stay up-to-date and feel more confident about getting involved with e-safety.
- - From Facebook and Instagram to Snapchat and Tumblr, a simple no-nonsense guide for parents from NSPCC and O2 to the social media, apps and games that kids use!
- - Parent Zone is devoted to providing expert information to families and schools. We find, curate and check the best available information on all of the issues that are caused or amplified by the internet.
- - a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.
- - e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
- - the Digital 5 A Day provides a simple framework that reflects the concerns of parents/ carers as well as children’s behaviours and needs. It can also act as a base for family agreements about internet and digital device use throughout both the holidays and term time.
- - Helping parents keep their children safe online.
- Advice and information about parental controls
- Online Devices and App Parental Controls.
- Advice on online safety designed particularly for children with SEND can be viewed by clicking here.
You can get support by:
- reporting harmful online content to the UK Safer Internet Centre.
- getting government advice and trusted resources from Educate Against Hate on safeguarding from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values.
- reporting online abuse from the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection command.
- the Anti-Bullying Alliance for children who are being bullied online.
Online Safety Risk Assessment
Understanding the risks and harms that our children, staff and community are exposed to online is our annually-reviewed starting point for considering the safety measures our school should implement. The below risk assessment seeks to identify potential risks, their likelihood, impact and our mitigating actions to ensure that risks are reduced and our stakeholders supported in staying safe online. We consider this risk assessment within the context of our children's exposure to the online world both in school and at home.