As part of the statutory National Curriculum, aspects of relationship and sex education are taught to all children. Your child will begin the age-appropriate sessions for their year group next half term. This will include understanding growth, life cycles, healthy relationships and hygiene.
At Meadows, we believe that this biological approach needs to be balanced with an emphasis on relationships, feelings and values. We are particularly focused on ensuring our children know how to keep themselves safe and healthy and develop confidence and self-esteem to ensure they are not vulnerable or exploited in any way.
In order to achieve the above, we choose to deliver the ‘Shropshire Respect Yourself: Eat better, Move more, Relationship and Sex Education programme’. This programme has been nationally recognised, is informed by good practice guidance and has received the Quality Kitemark from the Personal, Social, Health Education Association.
As part of our planning for the delivery of this programme we have ensured that there is consistency with our school’s ethos and related policies, such as safeguarding, equalities and bullying.
Below, you can find a wealth of information and resources to support your understanding of how and what we teach in our Relationships, Sex and Health Education Curriculum.