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Our value for March is commitment!

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Meadows Primary School and Nursery


“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”


What is the intent of Music at Meadows?

Music is a universal language. It enables children to break down barriers and enable communication. It encourages teamwork and the building of relationships through shared experiences. It increases confidence through the self-expression of feelings and ideas, leading to a sense of achievement. It develops perseverance, persistence and self-discipline. It grows an appreciation and understanding a wide range of cultures and traditions. The intent of Music at Meadows is to actualise the power of music for our learners, allowing them to aspire, grow and flourish!

How is Music implemented at Meadows?

Music is implemented at Meadows using the Dimensions Curriculum. From EYFS to Year 6, the thematic approach of the Dimensions Curriculum progressively develops the key aims, skills and knowledge of the National Curriculum for Music and Model Music Curriculum. Children develop their skills and knowledge in aural skills, performance, improvisation and composition through an exploration of the interrelated dimensions of music as applied across a range of cultures and genres, both modern and traditional. Independent and group learning is utilised to develop the benefits of music for the individual and the community.

music subject overview.pdf

ks1 nc coverage music.pdf

ks2 nc coverage music.pdf

How does Music progress at Meadows?

Music progresses at Meadows sequentially through the application of the interrelated dimensions of music in performance, improvisation and composition. Children will develop their knowledge of instrumentation: the names of instruments, how instruments are played, how they are grouped into families and how they have developed over time. Children will learn to read music notation; understanding that music is written through symbols that represent duration and pitch. They will learn to use musical vocabulary to describe musical elements such as dynamics, tempo and timbre. They will learn to sing a range of songs from different cultures using correct posture and techniques. They will also learn about music from different cultures: its origins and how it was used.

In EYFS, children will learn to identify the simple features of music, before responding through dancing and singing. This will lead to organising features of music themselves and beginning to respond with simple instruments.

In KS1, children will identify more complex features of music and then explore how these features can be used expressively. Children will respond with a greater sense of musicality, including beginning to compose using singing and instruments.

In KS2, children will use a greater range of musical elements and instruments as they compose, perform and improvise. They will explore how the elements of music can be combined to create different intentions for the listener. Finally, they will further develop their skills through self- and peer-evaluation of their learning.

music knowledge building.pdf

music skills ladder.pdf

How can I support my child in Music?

  • By listening to a range of music, both modern and traditional, from a range of countries and cultures.
  • By discussing and analysing music: What instruments can they hear? What elements of music have been used?
  • Encourage children to sing and dance to music!
  • Encourage children write music and songs as a means of expression.
  • If children are interested in an instrument, encourage them to learn it! The Shropshire Music Service might be able to help with this.
  • Meadows has its own 'Rock Steady' School that visits school each week. Please look out for more information or email the office.
  • The Shropshire Music Service can come into school to teach 1:1 sessions with your child. Please click on the link (Shropshire Music Service) if you would like to know more.

What is the Music Development Plan for 2024 to 2025?

music development plan meadows 2024.pdf

Telford Sings

Each year, Meadows participates to 'Telford Sings'.

On Wednesday 26th March, 2025, Meadows Primary School have been invited to participate in Telford Sings! This is an opportunity for children to perform as part of a choir made up of children from other schools across Telford. I am delighted to inform you that your child will be able to participate in this event.

On the day of the event, parents will need to take children to the venue and collect them after the performance. Parents can stay for the performance with the purchase of a ticket. Please see the performance details below:

  • Venue: Charlton School, Apley Avenue, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 3FA.
  • Date: Wednesday 26th March 2025.
  • Times: 16:00 Arrival, 16:15 - 17:30 Workshop, 17:30 Break for toilet/snack (children to bring their own drinks and snacks), 18:00 - 19:00 Concert
  • Tickets:Tickets cost £3 per person. Tickets will be available online, with further information to come.

Click here to listen to the songs we will be performing.