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Meadows Primary School and Nursery


At Meadows, we never want a child to have to suffer a bereavement, however, we proactively prepare to ensure that were we to need to support, we are ready and able to do so.

Our school reviews regularly our Bereavement Guidelines, which we utilise to support us in such a circumstance.

Guidelines for Supporting a Bereavement at Meadows 

Useful Videos for Children

Useful Websites for Support

Child Bereavement UK

Website: www.childbereavementuk.org

Email: email: support@childbereavementuk.org

Helpline: 08000 288 840 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday)

Winston’s Wish

Website: www.winstonswish.org.uk

Email: ask@winstonswish.org

Helpline: 08088 020 021

Cruse Bereavement Care

Website: www.cruse.org.uk

Email: helpline@cruse.org.uk

Helpline: 08088 081 677

Useful Books to Support Children


Someone I know has died. Author: Trish Phillips

Innovative activity book with interactive features written for bereaved children to do by themselves or with adult help. For pre-school and early years.

Missing Mummy. Author: Rebecca Cobb

Beautifully illustrated and with moments of wonderful warmth, this is a touching, honest and helpful book about the death of a parent. With minimal text, it covers some of the worries and fears that a young child may have after a death, offering reassurance and hope.

I Miss You: a First Look at Death. Author: Pat Thomas

This book helps children understand that death is a natural complement to life, and that grief and a sense of loss are normal feelings for them to have. Created April 2020 13

When Dinosaurs Die – A guide to understanding death. Authors: Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown

A comprehensive, sensitive guide for families dealing with the loss of loved ones.

What Does Dead Mean? Authors: Caroline Jay and Jenni Thomas, OBE

A book for young children to help explain death and dying, based on the many questions that children ask. This book looks at questions such as why ‘Why can’t doctors and nurses make people better?’, and offers practical help for children, as well as guidance for parents and carers when a child is bereaved.

Is Daddy Coming Back in a Minute? Author: Elke Barber & Alex Barber

Alex is only three when his father has a heart attack. All on his own, Alex manages to get help but his beloved Daddy dies at the scene. Explains sudden death to pre-school children using words and illustrations they will understand.

Suzie Goes to a Funeral. Author: Charlotte Olson

Join Suzie as she goes to Grandma’s funeral and says goodbye. Suzie can help explain to a child who may be anxious about going to a funeral for the first time. 

5 – 11 YEARS

Remembering. Author: Dianne Leutner. Illustrated by: Daniel Postgate.

It’s part book, part scrapbook and was created to help keep a child’s memories alive after the loss of someone special and to give children a place to return to whenever they wish.

Waterbugs and Dragonflies: Explaining Death to Young children. Author: Doris Stickney

Written from a Christian perspective, this acclaimed book can be used to help explain the concept of death to young children. The story illustrates that death is inevitable, irreversible but natural.

Badger's Parting Gifts. Author: Susan Varley

After Badger dies his friends gradually come to terms with their grief by remembering all the practical things Badger taught them, and so Badger lives on in his friends’ memories of him.

Always and Forever. Author: Alan Durant

When Fox dies the rest of his ‘family’ are absolutely distraught. How will Mole, Otter and Hare go on without their beloved friend? But, months later, Squirrel reminds them all of how funny Fox used to be, and they realise that Fox is still there in their hearts and memories.

Benny's Hat. Author: Juliet Clare Bell

Benny’s Hat deals quietly with the huge subject of a sibling dying, from the viewpoint of the sister. It shows how children and young people might deal with serious illness and death differently to adults.

Stewart's Tree. Author: Cathy Campbell

This book for children aged 3+ helps explain sibling loss shortly after birth, and provides guidance for adults written by qualified clinicians.

Ben's Flying Flowers. Author: Inger Maier

When Emily loses her brother after a long illness, she feels alone, angry, and very, very sad. With the understanding and support of her parents, Emily learns what helps her sadness and also learns that remembering Ben and their happy life together builds healthy and helpful images that soothes her sad feelings and provide much comfort to her and her family.

Michael Rosen's Sad Book. Author: Michael Rosen

A very personal story that speaks to adults as well as children. The author describes feeling sad after the death of his son and what he does to try to cope with it.

Goodbye Mog. Author: Judith Kerr

The final book about Mog the forgetful cat. It tells how her family grieve her loss and then begin to move forward in their lives, while always remembering their beloved pet.

The Tenth Good Thing about Barney. Author: Judith Viorst

A book looking about death from the perspective of a child. Though dealing with the death of a pet, it helps children deal with the reality of any death, including why we have funerals. This book does not have religious overtones, so it can be used by families with all different sets of beliefs.

Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine: Your Activity Book to Help When Someone Has Died. Author: Winston’s Wish

Offering practical and sensitive support for bereaved children, this book suggests a helpful series of activities and exercises and aims to help children make sense of their experience by reflecting on different aspects of their grief.

The Scar. Author: Charlotte Moundlic

A little boy responds to his mother's death in a genuine, deeply moving story leavened by glimmers of humour and captivating illustrations.

Mum’s Jumper. Author: Jayde Perkin

If Mum has gone, how do you carry on? Missing her feels like a dark cloud that follows you around or like swimming to a shore that never comes any nearer. But memories are like a jumper that you can cuddle and wear. And Mum s jumper might be a way to keep her close.

The Memory Tree. Author: Britta Teckentrup

After fox dies his friends begin to gather in the clearing. As they share their memories, a tree begins to grow, becoming bigger and stronger, sheltering and protecting all the animals in the forest, just as Fox did when he was alive. This gentle and comforting tale celebrates life and the memories that are left behind when a loved one dies.

 I Miss My Sister. Author: Sarah Courtauld

The beautiful and expressive colour illustrations help to guide the child through the different emotions they may encounter following the death of a sibling, as well as the different categories of grief over a period of time.

When a Grandparent has died

Granpa. Author: John Burningham

Winner of the Kate Maschler Award, this poignant tale of friendship and loss is one children will long remember.

Grandad's Ashes. Author: Walter Smith

This beautifully illustrated picture book for children aged four to eight tells the story of four children who embark on an adventure to find their Grandad’s favourite place.

Grandad’s Bench. Author: Addy Farmer

This is a beautiful, sensitively told story of love and loss and of a special relationship between grandfather and grandson